Chapter Two

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Discussion Questions

Are you so close to God that you reflect and feel His emotions, or are your emotions based only on what you feel and see in and around your world? Do the things that make God happy make you happy? Do the things that make God’s heart break with sadness make you weep also? Do the things that make Him angry make you angry?

Have you allowed the “five fingers of death” (your five senses) to limit your beliefs? In what ways?

How long has it been since you had such a close encounter with God that the Light and Love of His Holy Presence made you break down and weep? When was the last time you attempted to set everything aside, enter the Throne Room and approach Him, simply to love on Him? What keeps you from doing so?

In Rom. 7:13–25, it is clear that the apostle Paul saw two laws—the law of sin and death that still often prevailed in his outward man and the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus that cleared and justified His inward man. Do you find yourself shrinking back from intimacy with God because you see all your shortcomings? God sees your inward man or woman. He sees you righteous. Do you? If not, what steps might you take to change your focus?

Additional Resources

Watch this video and consider the depth of God’s love for you.

Suggested Reading:
Blood Bought by David Ravenhill

For so many, the concept of a Father in Heaven, who loves us with a perfect, unconditional love, is completely foreign due to having a less-than-ideal relationship with their own father, if they even have a father around. Please don’t let a poor (or a lack of an) earthly father experience keep you from experiencing what your Heavenly Father wants to give you. This song is for you. It is available on Amazon.